We are committed to and truly passionate about giving you the best
care possible. The conditions we treat and our menu of services follow:
Conditions we treat:
- Neck And Shoulder Pain * TMJ
- Rotator Cuff Injuries * Tennis/Golf Elbow
- Thoracic Outlet Syndrome * Frozen Shoulder
- Tendonitis/Bursitis * Arthritis
- Scar Tissue Mobilization * Sprains/Strains
- Frozen Hip * Sciatica
- Plantar Fasciitis * Pregnancy Related Discomforts
- Sinus Related Conditions * Neurological Dysfunctions
- Post Surgical Spinal Relief * Joint Replacement Recovery
- Carpal Tunnel and More...
Menu of Services:
Therapeutic Massage
The most sought after massage treatment for chronic neck
and back pain. Your therapist creates a session that best
suits your needs. Depth of pressure and techniques used will
be modified to address the source of your chronic pain.
30, 60, and 90 Minute Sessions
Orthopedic Massage
Involves therapeutic assessment, manipulation and
movement of soft tissue to reduce or eliminate pain,
musculoskeletal dysfunction and sports injuries. You will be
taught specific home care protocols so that youcan focus on
prevention and rehabilitation. Results are immediate and
long lasting.
30, 60, and 90 Minute Sessions
Rehabilitative Massage
Post operative/traumatic injury massage prescribed by a
doctor or physical therapist. A soothing complement to the
area being treated in physical therapy, allowing the body to
open and respond to the healing process.
30, 60, and 90 Minute Sessions
Sports Massage
Sports massage helps your muscles work longer and more
efficiently by addressing specific injuries, reducing muscle
tension, increasing circulation and flexibility; thus ensuring
your optimum performance pre-event and accelerated
recovery post event.
30, 60, and 90 Minute Sessions
Prenatal Massage
Massage reduces the aches and pains you experience as
your body changes during pregnancy. Each session is
modified to best meet your client's needs for comfort and
30, 60, and 90 Minute Sessions
Reflexology is the application of pressure to the 7000 nerve
endings in your feet. Reflexology brings the body into
balance by increasing the blood flow between your organs,
resulting in deep relaxation.
45 Minute Session
Raindrop Therapy
Essential oil is applied along your spine sequenced by moist
heat; detoxifying your body and boosting your immune
30 Minute Session
Credentialed - Knowledgeable - Experienced
www.greenwichmassage.com Cos Cob Plaza (2nd Floor Offices) 399 East Putnam Ave Cos Cob, CT 07807 203-625-7091